“You can want to do the right thing, and you can even want to do it for the right reasons. But if you don`t apply the right principles, you can still hit a wall.” (Stephen Covey)
This quote expresses an essential prerequisite to be able to adequately deal with the dynamics in projects and organizations. Change will only be successful when in accordance with the right principles, concepts and strategies.
In this sense, I still stay curious even after many decades. Supporting you as an organization or person is my aim and challenge that I enjoy to meet! Let`s start talking and new perspectives will appear!
My expertise is based on more than 20 years of management and consultancy experience in national and international environment.
Andreas Goldschmid, MPM, PMP, zSPM, PSM
Trainer, consultant, certifications
- Construction designer
- IT consultant and trainer
- Department head “Software Development”
- Management of a Project Management Competence Center incl. trainings and coaching function
- Project manager, consultant and trainer
- Initiator and founding member of the PMI Chapter Austria
- Vice president of the PMI Chapter Austria
- Educational background: “Master in Project Management” of the George Washington University, “Project Management Professional” of the Project Management Institute (PMI), “Certified Senior Project Manager” of the Int. Project Management Ass. (IPMA), “Professional Scrum Master I” of the SCRUM.ORG, certified DISG-Professional for personality analysis, training and coaching
- Country experience: Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Hungaria, France, Slovenia
- Projects and project management: trainings, counsultancy, coaching, managing projects, certification, assessments
- Organizations and organizational development: consultancy, implementation support, organizational assessments
- Training: lecturer at colleges and universities, supporting certification candidates
- Training and consulting regarding time and selfmanagement
- Potenial analysis and Consulting on the basis of the DISG-model
Feedback of our customers
“Once more Andreas Goldschmid was in top form – absolutely competent, funny practical examples /experiences from project execution additionally supported the communication climate; there was never a boring moment, no endless monologues, but each participant felt the need to join the discussion. Therefore, I hardly can imagine a better trainer for this knowledge area!”
Participant Project Management Siemens Austria
“Andreas Goldschmid brought a great atmosphere into this training. I liked his presence, the creation of team spirit, the artistic component of visually supporting on the flipchart what has been discussed. This will help me to enter into a review afterwards and to reactiviate the links when needed.”
Participant Project Management, open seminar