Mag. Anton Lorenz
“The shortest route is not always a straight line, but that where the favourable wind fills our sails; says the sailor`s teachings.“

Working with people keeps showing me new aspects and motivates me. To me it is an important concern to create results and impact, functioning teams are a vital resource for me. Thanks to my experience in various industries and project types I am capable of providing different perspectives.

In my seminars, I pay attention to the participants`experiences and wishes, in consultancy processes I use the organization`s and the people`s knowledge.

Achieving our goals together!

Mag. Anton Lorenz

Managing director, trainer, consultant


  • Graduate from the University of Economics and Business Administration, Vienna
  • Systemic consulting 
  • Certified Executive Consultant and Coach – IPMA® Level A
  • Professional Scrum Master (PSM I)
  • PAL I (Professional Agile Leadership)
  • Certified SIZE PROZESS® partner
  • Management of IT projects
  • President of an international non-profit organization
  • International experience: Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Romania, Serbia, Kroatia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Sweden, Saudi-Arabia, Israel
  • Languages: german, english


  • Consultant, trainer and managing director of Primas CONSULTING
  • Lecturer at various colleges and at the Technical University, Vienna
  • Trainer for project and process management, agile project management, IT project management,  leadership, communication & conflict management in the German speaking region as well as internationally
  • Program and project portfolio management
  • Project management implementation (classic & agil)
  • Consulting & management of projects, programs
  • Coaching for project managers and project teams
  • Process management/process optimization projects
  • IT solutions in project management
  • Organizational development
  • Workshops & lectures
  • Project management maturity measurement by means of the Primas Project Maturity Model i-volution
  • Industries: tool construction and mechanical engineering, construction, automotive, service companies, industrial sector, energy, pharma, IT, public administration, research, non-profit

Feedback of our customers

“The seminar provides new perspectives/ways of working for the execution of all kinds of projects.”
“I recommend these modules to all those who would like to have a future in project management.”


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