Projects in the industry

Consulting and Training: Customer Orientation in the Austrian Social Insurance Institute

In addition to the traditional legal focal points, the Austrian Social Insurance Institutes establish the topic customer orientation in their audits. Together with Primas CONSULTING the human resource devopers of the Austrian Social Insurance Institutes create a concept which is valid for all member organizations and defined as compulsory module. The interal trainers of the member organizations are prepared for their new task by train-the-trainer seminars, and the integration in existing training programs is initiated. Company: Austrian Social Insurance Institute

Customer feedback


“From our point of view, our expectations as regards the quality were absolutely fulfilled – both in service and in the trainings. The seminar evaluations are always very good, and the participants appreciate in particular the practical experience and professionality of the Primas trainers. For us the fast and comprehensive feedback – as we always get from our Primas contact person – is essential. We are looking forward to the further productive and efficient cooperation! “

Selected customers


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