Christian Eichlehner

Dipl.-Ing. Christian Eichlehner, zSPM

Trainer, consultant, network partner


  • Graduate from the Vienna University of Technology (Industrial Electronics & Engineering)
  • Certified Senior Project Manager (according to IPMA)
  • Consultant specialized in designing and developing production planning and control centers for the production of railway wagons
  • Business unit manager (final assembly) in the electronic industry; set-up of a production facility in Hungary
  • Senior project management for air traffic projects; department head of final assembly and commissioning; foundation of an air traffic control centre in Maastricht
  • Senior project manager in a large SAP outsourcing project for a big industrial group (1200 users in Austria and Germany); Senior consultant for IT-security and business process optimization
  • Senior Project Manager for logistics systems
  • Network partner of Primas CONSULTING


  • Project Management
  • Process Management
  • Business Process Optimization
  • Change Management


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