Forming Successful Teams

Successful teams for successful companies!

Effective teams reach extraordinary goals. This can been seen in sports as well as in business. In practice, team performance is very variable.
Especially in situations like:

  • a project starts with many new team members
  • inspiration has gone in a team with long-established routines
  • conflicts prevent team members from efficiently working together
  • tasks are changing, disappearing, teams have to restructure themselves, roles and tasks must be redefined
  • a project is finished. The project team is dissolved.
You benefit from
  • successfully starting the new (project) team
  • giving existing teams new orientation and energy
  • solving conflicts – teams can work efficiently again
  • implementing organizational changes also in teams
  • using the experiences of (project) teams and profit from one another
  • your managers`higher leadership competence

With the support of Primas

  • critical teamwork success factors are adressed
  • respectful and goal oriented inputs are given
  • teams will be supported and challenged

With us, you get effectiveness instead of actionism!

Our consulting approach combines technical knowledge and social competence as well as process and methodological know-how. We apply our knowledge according to the specific situation.

  • We provide different, maybe lacking perspectives and experiences.
  • We support you to keep what`s valuable and to complete it with useful new ideas.
  • We integrate changes in a situational way, and adapt our concepts accordingly.
  • We consider acceptance and sustainable effectiveness.
  • You decide what you can /want to bring in, and how much.

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We will be pleased to advise you and to develop tailor-made solutions together with you!

Your contact person: Christiane Eschberger
Phone: +43-1-533 23 34


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