Use all of your talents to improve the world around you!

Further development means continuously striving for discovering talents, or use them in a better way, always searching for making the best of our skills.

Sustainable innovations which create added value and have an influence keep inspiring me.

As regards communication, I am curious to learn from other people’s challenges and solutions, to understand their concerns and expectations, and to jointly create a new quality.

Dr. Günter Rattay

Managing director, innovator


  • Degree in business management from the University of Economics and Business Administration, Vienna
  • University course Project management University of Economics and Business Administration/Technical University, Vienna
  • Trainings for systematic consulting of organizations
  • Leadership, communication, quality of life, organizational development, and change management trainings
  • Agile project management / organization: Professional Scrum Master, PAL I (Professional Agile Leadership)
  • Design thinking at IDEO, innovation management 
  • Management and consulting of projects in construction, IT, product development, event, strategy, organizational development, and investment projects and programs
  • Design and consultancy of complex organizational / change processes
  • Founder and managing director of Primas CONSULTING 
  • Author of several management publications
  • Keynote speaker


  • The new form of learning
  • Agile organizations
  • What can be learned from the Silicon Valley mindset
  • SMART leadership



Feedback of our customers

“If you – like me – think you know something about project management then let yourself be surprised about how much further useful knowledge you could use. Günter Rattay has been the owner of the market leader Primas CONSULTING for many years. He knows what he is talking about.” 
Dr. Andreas Salcher, consultant and author


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