Healthcare projects

Project Management: Organization and Strategy of the Hospital Hygienene

Primas CONSULTING managed the Project “ProHyg”. Its goal was to develop a practical guideline which determines and describes the organization and strategy of the hospital hygiene. For the first time, there existed an Austrian standard aiming to reduce the hospital-acquired infections. During the project, we also recorded the existing status of the hospital hygiene in Austrias leading hospitals. Company: Federal Ministry for Health and Social Affairs

Executive trainings for Siemens Saudi Arabia Healthcare

Preparing and performing management trainings for Siemens Healthcare Saudi Arabia executives. Various competences (management know-how, personal, intercultural competencies) are analyzed and further developed in modules (e.g. leadership, presentation, communication, conflict management) in 3-days individual trainings, according to to the existing internal leadership competencies. The participants benefit from theoretical inputs, practical exercises during the intensive training, and a transfer into the individual working situation. Transfer exercises and working on them in online coaching sessions ensure the implementation of what has been learned into the professional practice of the managers. Company: Siemens Saudi Arabia Healthcare

Selected customers


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