Industry projects

Project consulting: Relaunch of a training program for the sales team

An industrial company trains its salespersons in its own sales academy. Primas CONSULTING supports a project for relaunching these trainings. In addition to the content update the adjustment to new generations, the implementation of new forms of (digital) learning, the necessary IT adaptions and internal marketing are the most important issues. Primas CONSULTING supported the project manager and the project team by using professional project management tools, efficiently facilitating team meetings, coaching the project manager, and also bringing in content-related topics. The project was finished in time with extraordinary positive feedback from the project sponsor and “internal customers”. Company: industrial company

Temporary project management for a commercial project

Project management for a global outsourcing project in the commercial, administrative field of an Austrian suborganization of the Sandvik group. Developing a schedule for the Austrian project in coordination with the German organization and external service providers. Preparing and performing workshops, information events and trainings. Active interface management and proactive schedule control as well as ensuring the flow of information and efficient decision finding processes (Project Steering Committees) as main tasks for the achievement of the project goals! The challenges are the different production sites, technical IT solutions and company structures of the suborganizations involved in the project, the implementation of the change awareness into the organization as well as the cultural differences of the stakeholders. Company: Sandvik Group Austria

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