Karoline Inacio
As a marketing all-rounder with extensive experience in multinational corporations, close collaboration with external and internal customers as well as a high level of customer orientation were always the focus of my work. Through my MBA and company projects in the USA and the Philippines, I got to know a wide variety of company processes and structures and strengthened my networked thinking. Creating tailored training concepts for Primas customers allows me to incorporte my diverse know-how as well as my strong personal engagement into my everyday work; ultimately creating a unique Customer Service Experience together with my Primas colleagues.

Karoline Inacio, MBA

Customer management


  • The Open University Business School (Master of Business Administration, MBA )
  • European Business Schools, Vienna (Diploma: International Administration and Management)
  • Atelier04, Vienna (Diploma – Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator)
  • High-School Diploma (Matura), Vienna
  • Mountbatten Internship Programme, New York City, USA (Certificate in International Business Practice)
  • Marketing Manager at a global online auction company specializing in industrial machinery (Projects in: UK, USA, Philippines)
  • Marketing Manager Central & Eastern Europe and Middle East at an international leader in the packaging industry
  • Google Adwords Campaign & Customer Management at an online marketing agency


  • Development of tailer-made training concepts.
  • National and international customer service


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