Dr. Lajos Pálvölgyi, PMP
Trainer, consultant
- Dr. univ. title, Eötvös Lóránd University of Sciences, Budapest
- Several training courses in technology, project management, HR consulting methods, management, Train-the-Trainer
- Certified PMP© (Project Management Professional)
- Research assistant at the Education Research Group at the MTA (Magyar Tudományos Akadémia) in Budapest
- Research at the International Research Institute for Pedagogy, Frankfurt on the Main
- Project management, project controlling, conduct of trainings in the IT industry; software development, system integration projects in various companies in Munich
- Realization of various major projects in the Hungarian telecommunications sector
- Managing Director, project manager of several projects, consultant of a personnel & organization development company in Budapest
- Managing Director of a consulting company in Budapest: realization of IT-projects, trainings in various branches
- Founding member and Vice President of the PMI Budapest, Hungarian Chapter
- Network partner of Primas CONSULTING
- Project Management
- Claim Management
- Communication and leadership in projects
- Process Management und organizational development