Mechanical engineering and construction projects  

Preparing Critical Moments of Truth at a Plant Construction Company

LEITNER Ropeways used the “Moments of Truth” concept to manage a project in a crisis, and to ensure project success. LEITNER developed a new creative solution with the support of Primas CONSULTING. Thanks to an intensive preparation for a crisis meeting that threatened the project (expectation management, exercising the negotiation situation, considering the composition of the negotiation team,…) the customer has been convinced of the new solution, and the project was finished successfully. Company: LEITNER Ropeways (international plant constrcution company)

Preparing Critical Moments of Truth at a Plant Construction Company

LEITNER Ropeways used the “Moments of Truth” concept to manage a project in a crisis, and to ensure project success. LEITNER developed a new creative solution with the support of Primas CONSULTING. Thanks to an intensive preparation for a crisis meeting that threatened the project (expectation management, exercising the negotiation situation, considering the composition of the negotiation team,…) the customer has been convinced of the new solution, and the project was finished successfully. Company: LEITNER Ropeways (international plant constrcution company)

Project2Go® for internal small projects

The customer is a large, international plant constrcution company and industry service provider. Experienced and well-trained project maangers are responsible for the project business. Internal (small) projects have not been seen as project worthy so far, and have been performed mainly by administrative line employees (e.g. trade fair appearances, large events, organizational changes etc.). Thanks to the simple project management approach Project2Go® from Primas CONSULTING now also teams of internal small projects have a suitable, simple but professional tool that provides clear planning, traceable project control, and fast overviews for all parties involved. And all this with very little effort. Company: plant construction

Selected customers


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