Miriam Wurm

According to my personal motto “All or nothing”, I always give 100% in my work, whereby customer orientation is always my focus. Thanks to the wide range of experiences I have already gained, I know what communication at eye level and satisfactory customer service look like. It is particularly important to me to explain complicated facts in a transparent and understandable way. My experience in the fields of cultural studies and linguistics enables me to bring new perspectives to Primas CONSULTING.

Mag. Miriam Wurm, BA

Customer care


  • Degree in “theater, film and media sciences”, University of Vienna
  • Bachelor’s degree in “German Philology” with an optional subject in “English Studies”, University of Vienna
  • Certified Scrum Master
  • University course “Modern Management” / “Business Management”
  • Volunteer work in South Africa
  • Training courses in graphics
  • Various professional experiences in the field of assistance in the cultural and educational sector
  • Several years of training experience in the DaF area


  • Management of open training courses training
  • Creation of tailor-made training concepts
  • Support for national and international customers
  • Project management


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