Projects in the pharmaceutical industry

Stage-Gate Project Management Process Implementation

Support in a Stage-Gate project management process implementation in a large pharmaceutical group. Historically grown approaches are harmonized bit by bit with international standards in ongoing projects. This standard adjustment enables more effective controlling in order to finish projects in time and budget. The role of the Scheduler in the project core team is also being established and provided by us together with the Stage-Gate process. The main challenge is to break established structures and to convince those involved in the project that changes are necessary.

Resource management for an internal support function

Development of processes and a consistent planning methodology in an international biotech company. The historically grown different approaches, worldwide sites, and a complex IT-system landscape are challenging. The company is undergoing massive transformation, many issues are unclear. This creates opportunities, but also makes the decision finding processes more difficult. Coordinating the requirements towards the IT provider using an agile approach provides flexibility for the customer (but also irritation at the beginning).

Selected Customers


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