Projects in the public administration

Project Management: Organization and Strategy of the Hospital Hygienene

Primas CONSULTING managed the Project “ProHyg”. Its goal was to develop a practical guideline which determines and describes the organization and strategy of the hospital hygiene. For the first time, there existed an Austrian standard aiming to reduce the hospital-acquired infections. During the project, we also recorded the existing status of the hospital hygiene in Austrias leading hospitals. Company: Federal Ministry for Health and Social Affairs

Training and Qualification of Project Managers

Qualification training courses for project managers: Development of essential technical and behavioral competencies, taking into account the special challenges of large infrastructure projects. Company: public infrastructure institute

Systems Engineering as Key Solution Competence

Devoping a concept for the use of system engineering in complex aerospace projects as methodological framework, and training aeronautical engineers to apply system engineering in specific project situations. Accompanying consulting as well as coaching for the execution of complex projects. Company: public administration (aviation services)

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