„Make complexity simple!”

This guiding principle leads me both when working as a senior consultant in projects or as an interim manager as well as in my work with people or groups in trainings or coachings.

My expertise is based on 20 years management and leadership experience in an international group environment and owner-managed national companies. In my work I always pay attention to the balance between people and results orientation. Inspiring people through communication and positive motivation, taking on challenges and reaching new goals determine my way of thinking and acting as a trainer, coach and consultant.

Mag. Roland Klettenhofer

Consultant, Interim Manager, Trainer


  • Certification SCRUM PAL I (Professional Agile Leadership)
  • Certified SAFe® 6 Product Owner/Product Manager
  • Systemic-agile consulting approach
  • Certification TCI Theme-Centered Interaction according to Ruth C. Cohn®
  • Certified Systemic Coach
  • International leadership and management seminars in Vienna, Lausanne and London
  • Graduate of the University of Economics in Vienna
  • Country experience: Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Philippines, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Sweden
  • Languages: German, English, French
  • Industries: Electrical/electronics industry, pharmaceutical industry, tool and mechanical engineering industry, automotive, consumer goods industry (FMCG), medical technology, logistics and transport, retail and wholesale, services, research centers, non-profit organizations, et al.


  • Senior consultant for strategy and organizational development, change management
  • Agile & hybrid transformation
  • Agile coach (support for SAFe roll-outs, support for agile / SCRUM teams)
  • Systemic consulting
  • Project management maturity assessments (classic/agile) of organizations with the Primas maturity model i-volution
  • Project management (classic, Kanban, Scrum, …),
  • Process management / process optimization projects
  • LEAN management
  • Team development
  • Systemic coach for managers
  • Facilitation of events and workshops
  • Trainer for project and process management, leadership, communication, negotiation, claim management, LEAN, business administration, etc.

Feedback from our customers

“Many thanks again for the perfect support for the workshop and the great documentation of the results. The team once again had high praise for the structured approach and the insights gained. I think it helped everyone to broaden their view of our team and the common goal and to better understand the big picture and thus to better classify their work and their contribution to it.
We can now continue to work well on this basis!”
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Rene Türk, Head of Product Management Digital Applications, Schrack Seconet AG

“Training method of Roland Klettenhofer was very interactive. A lot of exercises and group discussions which increased the learning value.”
Participant Quality & Cost Management (international energy group company)
“The collegial and close cooperation of our comprehensive organizational and human resource development department with Primas CONSULTING as “Healthcare Project Management” training company sets new standards. So far, both IPMA and PM@Siemens certification preparations have had a 100% success rate. The individual “Young People Management Coaching” with Roland Klettenhofer in Vienna completes the program.”
Ernst Jankulik, General Manager, Siemens Ltd. Healthcare Saudi Arabia


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