Projects in the service industry

Training and qualification of R&D project managers:

Qualification and preparation for the certification exams according to the IPMA standards as basis for successfully performing R&D projects in national and international contexts. Company: research company

Project2Go® for simple planning and control

Our customer advises companies and institutions in the fields of auditing, tax consultation, consulting, financial advisory and human capital. Their customers benefit from effective teams and excellent support by local top-experts as well as deep industry insights. For internal projects like renovations, reorganizations, internal events, the implementation of e-recruiting, marketing and IT projects the employees use the simple Project2Go® approach developed by Primas CONSULTING. Project2Go® provides clear planning, traceable project control and permanent overview for all parties involved. Company: service company (market leader)

Customer feedback


“The goal of every project oriented organization is to live professional project management and to increase its project management maturity grade. Thanks to the tailor-made trainings and taking into account the typical projects of a non-university research organization Primas CONSULTING seminars provided a lot of practically oriented knowledge and directly realizable tips. “

Selected customers


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