
We offer practice-oriented online seminars and face-to-face seminars on all topics related to project management: project management basics, social skills in project management, methods in project management, agile project management, portfolio management and much more. Our certification preparations (agile, IMPA, PMI) efficiently prepare you for the exam. 99% pass rate!


In the seminars Project Management Basics 1 and 2 you will learn to integrate methodological and social competences. Furthermore you will receive practical ideas for your project execution, as well as approaches and tips for managing every phase of a project.
In the seminars Project Management Basics 1 and 2 you will learn to integrate methodological and social competences. Furthermore you will receive practical ideas for your project execution, as well as approaches and tips for managing every phase of a project.

The seminar combines Project Management Basics 1 + 2 . Participants will learn to integrate methodological and social competences.

Thanks to Project2Go® you will maintain an overview, with the help of proven procedures and simple tools!


In this seminar, you will broaden your project management know-how und refine your methodologies for challenging project situations.

Pro-active management of risks and opportunities increases your success!

Finding an appropriate balance between content-related requirements/quality and available resources (personnel, time, costs) is an essential success factor in project management.

The better the requirements the easier is the formation of the work packages, their assessing and monitoring, as well as the evaluation of their results.

After the seminar you will understand the interrelations in business management, and therefore you will be able to adjust your project accordingly!

Well-designed contracts and a thoughtful communication and negotiation strategy significantly increase the probability of your projects’ success.

In projects where different organizations are involved claims and demands may arise which are seldomly completely covered by the project contract. The enforcement of one´s own claims and warding off foreign claims is therefore an important part of your projects’ success.

Participants will receive a quick and easy guideline for professional project management with the help of MS Project!

The project management software “WBStool8” enables you to plan and control your projects in a effective and efficient manner. Thanks to its simple and logical handling it is possible to implement this tool into your work immediately.

With the help of a simulation, the life cycle of a project from the profitability calculation to the project close-down is gone through. Complexity is reduced by using a consistent game situation, and interrelations are depicted.


Lead the project to its goal with joy and enthusiasm!

Learn to use your personal persuasive power in challenging project situations, in a flexible and authentical way!

You will learn the basics and get to know the tools which help you to bring balance into your life.

Increase your convincing power through sovereign presentations!

Become fully effective through focusing on your important moments! This motivates you and your team!

Learn how to solve typical difficult situations with the help of communication in a timely manner!

There will be inputs, suggestions and examples of best practice to reflect on and to integrate in your own work!

Different cultures require the development of a specific project culture.

Further develop your facilitation style and control conversations with the help of active questions!

Executives with a “coaching attitude” lead their employees on the basis of self-competence. New and creative alternatives arise.

Understand the negotiation strategy of your partner and learn how to react! Improve the presentation of your own negotiation position!

Understanding the customers’ perspective, recognizing and considering their specific needs and wishes without threatening the own project goals determines the success and quality of the relationship.

Companies that proactively address the new way of working situation in the home offices can sustainably raise individual motivation, avoid tensions and realize high job satisfaction while simultaneously increasing performance. In this workshop, the Blue Ocean method is used to work on these potentials.


The iterative approach of the agile method limits the risk for a continuance of an iteration. Experience a way to use these procedures in a hybrid project and to pursue an activ risk management.

You will be perfectly prepared for the international recognized Professional Scrum Master I (PSMI) Certification. After the seminar the exam can be taken on

Learn about the attitude and values of agile leadership and the methods you can use to develop and strengthen your agile team!

In this seminar you can check your knowledge about agile project management and deepen it on the basis of your very own problems from practice.


Learn to select the right projects and to manage your project portfolios and programs in an efficient way!

The Project Management Office has an essential role when professionalizing a company´s project management: it ensures the right amount of project management standards, enhances exchanges of experience and know-how, supports projects through coaching, consulting and resources.


Efficient project management is essential, particularly with tight budgets!

Get to know the most important terms and legal framework for your construction project!

For a company, investments are essential decisions. Thus, sound preparation and execution is a prerequisite!


After the seminar your are able to successfully complete organizational development projects, with an eye on the overall picture, and despite resistances of people affected and involved!

Seminar Programm 2023

Any questions? Please contact:

Mrs. Birgit Rattay
Tel. +43-1-533-23-34


in-house trainings

If you are interested in customized in-house trainings please contact:

Christiane Eschberger

Tel. +43-1-533-23-34

Training & Certification Preparation

We offer innovative 

  • seminars
  • workshops
  • certification preparation (IPMA & PMI).

All our trainings aim at promoting the transfer into practice!

Kontakt Icon

Christiane Eschberger
Tel. +43-1-533 23 34


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