Claim Management in Projects

Successfully managing and enforcing one´s own interests through strategic claim management

In projects where different organizations are involved claims and demands may arise which are seldomly completely covered by the project contract. The enforcement of one´s own claims and warding off foreign claims is therefore an important part of your projects´success.

Preventing claims through
  • Basic legal knowledge
  • Knowledge of the contract
  • Securing evidence and documentation
  • Negotiation strategies


  • Claim management – strategy and tasks during the project process
  • Calculating the effects of different strategic alternatives
  • Claim prevention measures
  • Claims in the various project phases
  • Enforcing or fending off claims without disturbing customer relations


Günter Hayek

Günter Hayek

Roland Klettenhofer

Roland Klettenhofer


1 day


510 EUR + 20% VAT


  • 28.05.2025 | Vienna
  • 20.10.2025 | Vienna


    Any questions? Please contact:

    Mrs. Birgit Rattay
    Tel. +43-1-533-23-34

    If you are interested in customized in-house trainings please contact:

    Christiane Eschberger, MSc
    Tel. +43-1-533-23-34


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