MS Project made easy

Efficient support of your project by this tool

MS Project has proven to be a good tool for professional project planning and controlling. Nevertheless, the abundance in tool features requires a specific adaptation for the efficient use of the project management methods. This seminar is held by experienced MS Project and project management professionals enabling you to implement the tool into your practical work.

Your plus

  • This workshop is not a standard software training. Furthermore, you will receive a quick and easy guideline for professional project management with the help of MS Project!


  • 1 day


  • Task planning and time scheduling
  • Graphic design of schedules
  • An easy approach for the planning of resources and costs
  • Introduction to schedule controlling
  • Practical tips


Thomas Cecon

Thomas Cecon


1 day


510 EUR + 20% VAT


  • 13.05.2025 | Wien


    Any questions? Please contact:

    Mrs. Birgit Rattay
    Tel. +43-1-533-23-34

    If you are interested in customized in-house trainings please contact:

    Christiane Eschberger, MSc
    Tel. +43-1-533-23-34


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