Personality is a true triumph
Convince through your charisma!
Leading meetings successfully, communicating decisions clearly, solving conflicts constructively, making presentations lively – the key to the success of project managers lies in successful communication.
In difficult management situations, in challenging discussions and before important presentations, it often seems like squaring the circle to show a confident and goal-oriented behavior while remaining authentic. Especially when things aren’t the best on the day, when the preparation time wasn’t enough, when you are involved in the conflict yourself, when your own weak point is triggered.
The way to a goal-oriented and at the same time authentic behavior leads to work on one’s own personality on two levels:
On the one hand, it is important to identify one’s own beliefs and drivers on a psychological level – so to speak “from within” – to distinguish between useful and less useful ones and to strengthen the useful ones.
On the other hand, very concrete tools on the behavioral and physical level will help you — “from the outside” so to speak — to steer both your own well-being and the result in the desired direction.
We work playfully with techniques from the theater and with exercises from psychology. You can try new things, learn to overcome your own limits and develop communicative courage. In this way, you will be able to assert yourself in a challenging, agile environment and to communicate confidently and calmly.
- Controlling personal impact “without bending over backwards”
- Self-worth and radiance through self-awareness
- Body language, (body) posture, voice and emotion
- Communication psychology
- Rhetorical Tips
- Relaxation tips
- Video analysis and personal feedback

Marie-Therez Lorenz
2 days
910 EUR + 20% VAT
If you are interested in customized in-house trainings please contact:
Christiane Eschberger, MSc
Tel. +43-1-533-23-34