Presenting projects in a professional way

Increasing success through interesting presentations

Developing and giving presentations to different target groups (project sponsor, project team, stakeholder groups…) is an essential task of project managers. Very often, the project`s further procedure, or even its future, depends on successful presentations. So the efficient and tailormade development of presentations is a key success factor in project management.

Increase your convincing power through sovereign presentations!

In cooperation with HPS

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  • Selecting and structuring information according to target groups
  • Developing a convincing line of argument as regards your core message and your “story”
  • Visualizing in a time effective way and transporting insight in interrelations
  • Writing and designing PowerPoint slides in a quick and effective manner
  • Professionally using data projectors and flipcharts – professionally directing sights and attention
  • Gaining personal self-confidence in presentations – transforming nervousness into positive energy


Anita Dall

Anita Dall


1 day


460 Euros + 20% VAT


  • 24.11.2021


    Any questions? Please contact:

    Mrs. Birgit Rattay
    Tel. +43-1-533-23-34

    If you are interested in customized in-house trainings please contact:

    Christiane Eschberger, MSc
    Tel. +43-1-533-23-34


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