Professional Scrum Master
training & certification preparation
While working on projects we often encounter complex problems. Requirements are written down in specification sheets, possible solutions in even bigger requirement sheets in order to be given to the project team later on. Between user and developer there is hardly any communication. Hence it is no surprise that the solution is not in accordance with the clients expectations.
SCRUM provides a framework to
- proove in iterative cycles if the implementation is matching the demands,
- limit the risk of undesirable developments to the period of a single sprint,
- react quickly to requirement changes and
- to strengthen the cooperation of the Scrum-Team.
The training gives a broad overwiev on the Scrum Framework, the Scrum-Values and the roles.
Get to know how to support the development team and the organization in their use of the Scrum-Framework and how to lead them into personal responsibility. You learn how to use time boxing in sprints and during meetings and how to support the Product Owner in his role. You will be perfectly prepared for the international recognized Professional Scrum Master I (PSMI) Certification. After the seminar the exam can be taken on
- Origin and development of agile methods
- Values and attitudes of the agile methods
- SCRUM-Framework (procedure, roles, artifacts, meetings)
- Why the definiton of Done is so important
- Cost estimation and monitoring tools
- How the SCRUM-Master can lead the team towards personal responsibility and how he can easily cooperate with the Product Owner
- How the SCRUM-Master supports the Product Owner at the creation of Product Backlogs and User-Stories
- Guideline for a successful use of Time-boxing
- Requirements in the company
- Certification preparation PSM I

Armen Tosunyan
2 days
910 EUR + 20% VAT
If you are interested in customized in-house trainings please contact:
Christiane Eschberger, MSc
Tel. +43-1-533-23-34