Project Controlling Made Easy

Modern approaches for professional project controlling

For many project managers, the achievement of the project objectives, plans and costs are challenging tasks. Finding an appropriate balance between content-related requirements/quality and available resources (personnel, time, costs) is an essential success factor. In this seminar, you will learn to use progress presentations for pro-active project controlling!

Achieve your project goals with the help of consequent project controlling!


  • Project controlling tasks
  • Strategic and operative project controlling
  • Recognizing and managing deviations in performance, schedules, resources and costs
  • Progress reports and indicators
  • Earned value analysis as a controlling instrument
  • Expectation and forecast calculation in projects
  • Financial controlling
  • Integrated project controlling
  • Project score card as a controlling instrument
  • Preparation, facilitation and evaluation of controlling and meetings


Andreas Goldschmid

Andreas Goldschmid


2 days


910 EUR + 20% VAT


  • 21.-22.09.2023 |


    Any questions? Please contact:

    Mrs. Birgit Rattay
    Tel. +43-1-533-23-34

    If you are interested in customized in-house trainings please contact:

    Christiane Eschberger, MSc
    Tel. +43-1-533-23-34


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