Project Management for Construction Projects

Evaluation, support and assistance of construction projects

The methods and designations used in the construction industry are often unclear even for experienced project managers. Which standards and legal framework are relevant for my practical work?

Target group

  • People who have been assigned with a construction project, facility managers,property administrators, real estate agents, project developers, investors, manufacturers

Your plus

  • You will receive checklists for construction projects and a guideline which can be easily adapted to your project!
Avoid traps: get to know the most important terms and legal framework for your construction project!


  • Delineation of the different types of project execution
  • Guideline for authorities organization & required procedures
  • Types of project organization as well as their advantages and risks
  • Stakeholder management, professional management of the interfaces among project partners
  • Structure, content of fieldtested project handbooks
  • Communication structures, decision making/approval processes
  • Integrated project planning and control based on ÖNORM 1801-5 & of HO-PS, 2001
  • Cost calculations, value analysis, optimizations
  • Invoicing of the consultants involved in the project
  • Professional change and claim management
  • Planning quality, tracking of the performance quality
  • Fiscal client liability
  • Risk and liability of the principal


Anton Lorenz

Anton Lorenz


2 days


830 EUR + 20% VAT


  • on demand


    Any questions? Please contact:

    Mrs. Birgit Rattay
    Tel. +43-1-533-23-34

    If you are interested in customized in-house trainings please contact:

    Christiane Eschberger, MSc
    Tel. +43-1-533-23-34


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