Successful communication in conflicts
Clear as far as the facts go - communication in a respectful way!
Especially in projects difficult communication situations and conflicts arise quite often.
Learn how to solve typical difficult situations with the help of communication in a timely manner!
- Basics of successful communication in projects
- Effective project communication methods
- Important messages properly focused
- Tips for difficult communication situations
- The effects of conflicts on the project
- The development of conflicts typical in projects
- Tips on how to early recognize conflicts
- Model procedures for typical project conflicts
- Conflict facilitation / conflict conversation
- Dialogue as an instrument to minimize conflicts
- The integrated project information system

Valerie Rapatz
2 days
910 EUR + 20% VAT
If you are interested in customized in-house trainings please contact:
Christiane Eschberger, MSc
Tel. +43-1-533-23-34